First Spanish Dictionary : 500 First Words for Ages 5+

The home of trusted Spanish dictionaries and thesauruses for school use. An ideal first Spanish dictionary for kids aged 5+ and above, designed to introduce Spanish vocabulary to children in a fun, easy and memorable way. Fully updated for 2020, this beautifully illustrated dictionary introduces children to their first 500 Spanish words with example sentences to help children remember words and translations from English to Spanish.

Listed in English-to-Spanish alphabetical order and with themed pages, the Collins First Spanish Dictionary provides curriculum-matched support for young learners of Spanish. Ideal for children starting school. Audio files for each headword and phrase can be found at

ISBN: 9780008312725
PubDate: 2 Apr 2020


Only 3 left in stock

Delivery: 7 - 10 Business Days
Weight 178 g
Dimensions 189 × 246 × 3 mm



SKU 9780008312725
Publish date January 01, 1970
Number of pages


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